Salix Tree

This is a self-ethnographic document meant to be experienced as a passage between languages, a concentration of voices whose identity remains opaque. Some of these voices materialize into complete translation, while others provide a departure from national identity and its dominant linguistic form. In which language does one self-document when there is no mother tongue anymore?.

This home movie is not only a site for the transmission of personal history and documentation of kinship affiliations, but it is also a place for self-ethnographic practice, colliding family representation with avant-garde pursuits..


Post-production supervising by Oswaldo Toledano
Sound design by Christian Olsen

Production Support

Super8mm hand processed and scanned to 2k
Laboratory services and 2k scan provided by Frame Discreet

Produced with assistance by Main Film
Centre d’artistes voué au cinéma indépendant


Home Movies and Self-Ethnographic Practice: The Case of Salix Tree
Ethnocultural Art Historical Research Group
Concordia University
03 | 2016
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Exhibitions | Screenings

Bogotá Short Film Festival 2022
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Vancouver Latin American Film Festival VLAFF 2022
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FOFA Gallery 2016
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Santa Fe International New Media Festival 2016
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Analogica/Jornadas de Reapropiacion 2016
Centro de Cultura Digital

Bogotá Experimental Film Festival 2016

Gallery Z Art Space 2016
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Festival Internacional de Videoarte Camaguey FIVAC 2015

Festival Internacional de Documentales de Antofagasta 2015
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Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal RIDM
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Antimatter Media Art Festival 2015
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Muestra de Video Arte y Video Experimental Intermediaciones 2015
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Simultan Media Arts Festival 2015
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ANALOGICA Experimental Film Festival 2015
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Vancouver Latin American Film Festival VLAFF 2015
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Festival Internacional de Videoarte NodoCCS 2015
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