MTL Nord

In the evening of August 9 2008, Fredy Villanueva was shot and killed by police officer Jean-Loup Lapointe, at the Henri-Bourassa Arena, in Montreal Nord. Riots break out the next day. The killing of Fredy Villanueva not only stirred up years of social exclusion and discontent, but also brought visibility to current tactics of police surveillance, institutional power asymmetries and racial profiling.
This ethnographic video study examines site specificity as a complex reflection of the unstable relationship between location and identity in urban landscapes, critically discussing various strategies of accessing the realms of memory, recollection, and identity, which commonly evades ethnographic representation.
Technical assistance by René Daigle and Benoit Chaussé
Post-production supervising by Oswaldo Toledano
Graphic Design by Lupe Pérez
Production Support
Montréal-Nord Républik
Coalition against police abuse and repression CRAP
No One Is Illegal-Montreal
Justice for the Victims of Police Killings Coalition
Solidarity Across Borders
Cinéma sous les étoiles de Funambules Médias
Magnus Isacsson